Holidays and Patriotic Stuff
Patriotic Stuff
Lean more about our flag and special land marks!
The wonders of Labor Day
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
New Year's Day
January 1
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Third Monday in January
National Cancer Prevention Month
Groundhog Day
February 2
February 14
First Friday of March
Presidents Day
Third Monday in February
March 17
First Day of Spring (Northern Hemisphere)
Occurs between March 19 and March 21
Every year any time between March 22 and April 25
Falls 46 days before Easter every year
The first day of Lent
April 1
April 2
International Children’s Book Day
April 2
April 7
April 22
Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month
First Full Week in May
National Teacher Appreciation Day
Tuesday of the First Full Week in May
National Day of Prayer
First Thursday in May
Mother’s Day
Second Sunday in May
Memorial Day
Last Monday in May
May 1
May 5
First Sunday in June
Second Sunday of June
Father’s Day
Third Sunday in June
National Say Something Nice Day
June 1
June 14
June 21
First Day of Summer (Northern Hemisphere)
Occurs between June 20 and June 22
Third Sunday in July
July 4
July 11
Family Fun Month
International Day of Friendship
First Sunday of August
August 15
August 21
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month
First Monday in September
Second Friday in September
International Day of Charity
September 5
September 11
International Day of Democracy
September 15
September 21
World Blindness Awareness Month
Second Monday in October
Second Wednesday in October
National Business Women’s Week
Third Full Week in October
International Coffee Day
October 1
October 1
National Do Something Nice Day
October 5
First Day of Autumn (Northern Hemisphere)
Occurs on September 22 or 23
October 31
National Family Caregiver Month
Fourth Thursday in November
Sunday before Thanksgiving to Sunday after in November
November 1
November 11
World Kindness Day
November 13
Occurs late November to late December
December 7
First Day of Winter (Northern Hemisphere)
Occurs around December 21 or 22
December 25
Date varies from year to year